Productivity Is Overrated
Productivity is overrated. Yes, I just said that. It might come as a shock to you, but the way we currently view productivity is severely warped and causes us to overvalue it.
Insights and brainfarts
Productivity is overrated. Yes, I just said that. It might come as a shock to you, but the way we currently view productivity is severely warped and causes us to overvalue it.
I saw this video by Veritaseum, which talks about how the equation below, called the logistic map, connects a leaky tap, a population of rabbits, and the Mandelbrot set.
Everyone has routines, some of them are good, others exist simply because they’re convenient. Those ones aren’t that interesting. They don’t really serve a purpose and just help you do less, which isn’t always a bad thing. They’re just not that interesting.
At this point, if you say that you don’t regularly consume information you’re a liar. For one, you’re on a blog which is beaming information straight into those eyeballs of yours. Second, if you don’t consume information, how are you? Like everywhere you go and everything you do involves the consumption of information in one form or another which just adds to your digital diet.
One of my friends, Karthik Nandula, joined a challenge to write a total of 1,000,000 words. Not in one go of course, but over 1000 days. Sounds like a lot right? Anyway, The essence of the challenge is: 1000 words, for 1000 days. Pretty simple but also quite daunting at the same time.
In recent times, we have grown less tolerant of those who are closer to the introverted side of the spectrum. We are told that to be successful is to be bold, to put yourself out there, to socialise like there’s no tomorrow. Yet, half the world are introverts. Some people may pretend to an extrovert, or even do not believe they are introverted until an event forces them to discover their true selves.
Formula 1 is considered the pinnacle of motorsport. On the surface, it seems to be nothing more than a few fast cars going around in circles, but the knock on effects of the sport are unexpected.
According to Ken Robinson, the education system is trying to prepare us for the future using past (and hence, outdated) techniques. Essentially, they are trying to prepare us for the future by using what worked in the past. The side effect of this is the alienation of millions of children who don’t understand the point … Read more
In the recent past, we’ve heard a lot about how AI is going to replace every worker. The problem is, that’s a lie.
Most people are familiar with a hierarchical method of structuring notes. That means that notes are put into folders and sub-folders and are never seen again except when you want to access that specific note. This isn’t the best way to store notes (digital notes at least).